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FireLines are my personal, proprietary, price forecasting model that produces price levels, or price points, where I expect to see significant intraday trading activity. As an added bonus, they are extremely useful in helping to determine the likely trend of the price action for that particular day. However, where FireLines truly shine, is in the identification of “future” support and resistance areas, levels where prices will most likely be supported in a down trend, or, most likely resisted in an up trend. It is at these levels that I seek to trade at. It is here, that I can enter the market with the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of potential for profit.

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Subscription Options

1 month
3 months
1 Year

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See! They are pretty darn good.

Yeah, we know. You can’t trade without them.

$49.00 USD per month.

$125.00 USD

$495.00 USD

FireLinestm via Tradingview Charts:

Once subscribed, I will need your Tradingview username to grant access to The FireLines. You can email it to me here:

rob (at) firelines (dot) ca

(Please allow up to 24 hours for the FireLines to become activated on your Tradingview charts._

Trading financial instruments of any kind is very risky. Trade only with funds you can comfortably afford to lose. Neither, Rob Tovell, or are financial advisors. We are analysis and educational platforms only. It is not intended to be trading or investing advice. We do not recommend stocks, commodities, cfd’s, crypto, or ETF’s to buy or sell. We provide a service to assist you in making your own decisions. Our service and analysis are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. Any and all information presented is for educational purposes only and in no way is it to be considered individualized investment advice.